, Following Council Meeting
Town Hall
56 Queen St
Port Hope ON

Council Chambers, Town Hall, 56 Queen Street, Port Hope, Ontario


The meeting will also be livestreamed via the Municipality's 
YouTube Channel. Please visit our website for more information or contact

Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and are considered collectively as one motion. Council members may request that specific items be removed for separate discussion/deliberation and action.

  • That a preferred option be identified regarding the appointment of a Deputy Mayor and put forward as a motion to be approved by Council at their next regular meeting:

    1. 4 Year Appointment (Status Quo)
      That the Deputy Mayor continue to be appointed for the full term of Council and consideration of that appointment take place at a regular meeting to be determined. or
    2. Annual Appointment
      That staff be directed to bring forward the necessary by-law and policy amendments required to appoint the Deputy Mayor on an annual (1 year) basis. or
    3. Rotating Appointment
      That staff be directed to bring forward the necessary by-law and policy amendments required to appoint the Deputy Mayor on a rotating basis amongst the 6 Councillors throughout the 4 year term of Council.


  • That a Resolution be presented to Council to adopt:

    1)    The revised Health and Safety Policy Statement (Attachment 1).

    2)    The revised Workplace Violence, Harassment and Discrimination Policy, (Attachment 2).


  • That a by-law be presented to Council to rezone the Subject Lands municipally known as 3402 Ganaraska Road to a site-specific Hamlet Commercial ‘COMV(141)’ zone that would permit a retail store, specialty food store, a single detached dwelling, home occupation, community garden and recognize the current legal non-conforming agriculture activities (excluding livestock facilities).



To be automatically forwarded to the January 24, 2023 meeting in accordance with the Procedural By-law.

Moved by Councillor Attridge and Seconded by Mayor Hankivsky 

Whereas the Council of the Municipality of Port Hope considered Report WE-20-22 regarding Walton Street Reconstruction and Streetscape Improvements between Pine Street to Mill Street at their Special Meeting held on June 22, 2022;

And Whereas the Council of the Municipality of Port Hope approved the preferred designs as identified in Report WE-20-22 at their Council Meeting held on July 5, 2022;

And Whereas the Council of the Municipality of Port Hope declared a Climate Emergency via Resolution 71/2022 at their meeting of December 6, 2022, and recommended that Staff review options to implement timely municipal initiatives that improve our resiliency to climate change;

And Whereas the new timeline for the Walton St. Infrastructure Upgrade project provides an opportunity to consider changes to the design plan;

And Whereas the green stormwater management infrastructure opportunities for the Lent Lane bump-out (at Walton Street and Ontario Street) which was one of the recommended options as part of the Walton Street redesign could be a viable climate-friendly municipal initiative;

And Whereas the accessibility and walkability factors related to the Lent Lane bump-out option require further consideration by Council;

Therefore be it resolved that Council direct staff to prepare a report that revisits the options previously presented for a bump-out on Walton Street at Lent Lane, and provides further information regarding how to balance the interests of diverse stakeholders/community members, enhance accessibility, and improving our preparedness for climate change impacts, while ensuring residents can continue to access Walton Street by car and park conveniently;

And therefore be it further resolved that Council direct staff to provide this report in time for the February 7, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting.