Town Hall
Council Chambers, 56 Queen St
Port Hope ON
  • Mayor Olena Hankivsky
  • Councillor Les Andrews
  • Deputy Mayor Todd Attridge
  • Councillor Chris Collins
  • Councillor Claire Holloway Wadhwani
  • Councillor Vicki Mink
  • Councillor Adam Pearson
  • David Smith, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Brian Gilmer, Director, Corporate Services/Clerk
  • Shrishma Davé, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk
  • Todd Davis, Director, Planning and Development

Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of the Corporation of the Municipality of Port Hope were held at 56 Queen Street, Port Hope, Ontario

The Special Council meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.

Mayor Hankivsky acknowledged that this meeting was being held on the traditional territory of the Mississauga Nations.

Philip Goldsmith was in attendance and provided a delegation.

  • Moved byCouncillor Collins
    Seconded byCouncillor Holloway Wadhwani

    That the presentation by Philip Goldsmith regarding Demolition Permit Application - 65 Ward Street be received for information purposes.


    Delegation was excused at 5:15 p.m.

Tony Jenkins was in attendance and provided a delegation. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Mink
    Seconded byCouncillor Pearson

    That the presentation by Tony Jenkins regarding Demolition Permit Application - 65 Ward Street be received for information purposes.


    Delegation was excused at 5:28 p.m.

Jenny Munro was in attendance and provided a delegation.

  • Moved byCouncillor Mink
    Seconded byCouncillor Collins

    That the presentation by Jenny Munro regarding Demolition Permit Application - 65 Ward Street be received for information purposes.


    Delegation was excused at 5:40 p.m.

Celia McBride was in attendance and provided a delegation.

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor Todd Attridge
    Seconded byCouncillor Pearson

    That the presentation by Celia McBride regarding Demolition Permit Application - 65 Ward Street be received for information.


    Delegation was excused at 5:50 p.m.

April Beckett, Emily Shaw, Samantha Marcuz, Amelia Merchand-Reid and Melinda Brown on behalf of Hope Street Terrace / Regency Manor were in attendance and provided a delegation. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Andrews
    Seconded byCouncillor Collins

    That the presentations made by April Beckett, Emily Shaw, Samantha Marcuz, Amelia Merchand-Reid and Melinda Brown on behalf of Staff of Hope Street Terrace / Regency Manor be received for information.


    Delegations were excused at 6:06 p.m.

A video was played for the Mayor and Members of Council.

  • Moved byCouncillor Andrews
    Seconded byCouncillor Pearson

    That the video from the residents of Hope Street Terrace / Regency Manor along with the video be received for information.


Samantha Marcuz was in attendance and read a letter on behalf of Marilyn Salmon. A short video from families of residents of Hope Terrace and Regency Manor was also shown to Council. 

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor Todd Attridge
    Seconded byCouncillor Collins

    That the presentation by Samantha Marcuz and some families of Hope Street Terrace / Regency Manor along with the letter read on behalf of Marilyn Salmon regarding Demolition Permit Application - 65 Ward Street be received for information.


    Delegations were excused at 6:31 p.m.

    The Chair called a brief recess. Council reconvened at 6:37 p.m.

W. Reiner, 15 Armour St, advised that she was a proponent of long-term care, but did not agree with the proposed design of the building. She inquired about whether these types of buildings would be considered best practice in long-term care. She requested that Council not approve the Demolition Permit request. 

M. Brown, Activity Aide, Southbridge, advised Council that the residents and staff of Hope Terrace and Regency were looking forward to a new building, as the current buildings were outdated. She requested that Council take the needs of the current residents and staff of the facilities into consideration when making a decision regarding the Demolition Permit request. 

E. White, 51 Mill St, expressed concerns regarding the Ministerial Zoning Order that was issued by the Province for 65 Ward Street. He expressed further concerns regarding the condition of the current buildings on that property. 

S. Ansley, Staff Member, Southbridge, provided comments in support of a new building on the property at 65 Ward Street. She requested that Council consider the seniors that were living in the current facilities when making their decision regarding the Heritage Demolition Permit. 

D. Turck, provided comments in support of providing Port Hope seniors with a decent living facility that addressed their varied needs. 

D. Irwin, 60 Francis St, expressed concerns regarding the building design. She expressed further concerns about residents' access to outdoor space in the proposed design. 

L. Carr, 26 Ontario St, advised Council that after declaring a "Climate Emergency", it would be counterintuitive to approve a Demolition Permit request, which was environmentally unfriendly. She requested that Council deny the Demolition Permit, and listen to the voices of the residents attending the meeting. She inquired about whether youth had been engaged in discussions regarding this matter. She further expressed concerns regarding transparency in making decisions regarding this matter. 

A. DaCosta, Vice President, Development, Southbridge, advised that the proposed building design included ample outdoor space, and Southbridge had exceeded most of the guidelines in the Ministry of Long-Term Care design guide.   

T. Jenkins, provided comments regarding the design of other homes that Southbridge had built in other localities. 

S. Marcuz, 6 Caroline St , provided information regarding access to home healthcare.

D. Erland 46 Ward St, provided comments against the approval of the Demolition Permit request. 

E. Shaw, 53 Hope St, advised that if this proposed building was not built then the current facilities would be closed, which would result in the current residents being shifted to other locations, possibly in other municipalities. She requested that Council consider the residents of the facilities when making their decision. She also inquired about the cost to taxpayers if the municipality had to fight a potential appeal with respect to this matter. 

T. Brown, 29 William St, advised that she had worked at Hope Street Terrace for 45 years. She advised that the people who resided in the building were more important than the building itself.

M. Brown, 46 Ward St, provided comments regarding Southbridge Care Homes. 

Unknown, advised that she is a staff member at Hope Street Terrace. She inquired about what would happen to the current residents if the facility were to close, which it was going to be in about a year.  

J. Munro, provided comments regarding the design model that Southbridge Care Homes uses. 

Council recessed for ten minutes, and reconvened at 7:24 p.m. Councillor Mink requested a recorded vote. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Andrews
    Seconded byCouncillor Collins

    Whereas On June 9, 2023, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing filed O. Reg 127/23: Minister’s Zoning Order for zoning by-law amendment application for 65 Ward Street to facilitate the development of long-term care facility on the property; and

    Whereas following the Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) and to initiate the construction of new facility, owner has applied for second heritage alteration permit for demolition;and

    Whereas the property known as 65 Ward Street is designated under Part IV Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act and, therefore, requires a heritage permit application before demolition; and

    Whereas heritage specialists acting on behalf of the Municipality completed a peer review of the Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) and an addendum to the HIA, which recommends that the proposed development may proceed provided appropriate mitigation measures including a Cultural Heritage Documentation Report and Salvage Report and Commemoration Plan be drafted and implemented; and

    Whereas the recommendation of MHBC Planning, Urban Design & Architecture, heritage consultants for South Care Homes Inc., HIA Addendum to prepare a Cultural Heritage Documentation Report and Salvage Report and Commemoration Plan as a condition of demolition permit from building division is reasonable;

    Therefore be it resolved that Council approve the heritage alteration permit application for demolition – File Number 2023-12 – for 65 Ward Street with the conditions that the recommendations of MHBC in their HIA addendum be included as conditions of demolition permit from building division including those outlined as follows:

    • That a Cultural Heritage Documentation and Salvage Report be required as a condition of Demolition Permit from Building Division (and undertaken prior to the demolition of buildings located on-site) which includes:
      • Detailed photographic documentation (interior and exterior);
      • Measured architectural drawings of all exterior elevations;
      • Measured floor plans;
      • Recommendations for items to be salvaged as opposed to being deposited as landfill; and
      • Opportunities to reuse or reflect materials from the built heritage in the new development.
    • That a Commemoration Plan be required as a condition of Approval of Demolition Permit from Building Division in order to:
      • Provide recommendations for appropriate commemoration of the buildings and the landscape, which may include commemorative plaques, landscape features, or other.
      • Provide recommendations for where salvaged elements could be incorporated into commemoration measures.
    For (3)Councillor Andrews, Mayor Hankivsky, and Councillor Collins
    Against (4)Councillor Mink, Deputy Mayor Todd Attridge, Councillor Holloway Wadhwani, and Councillor Pearson
    Defeated (3 to 4)
  • Moved byCouncillor Collins
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Todd Attridge

    Whereas on June 9, 2023, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing filed O. Reg 127/23: Minister’s Zoning Order for zoning by-law amendment application for 65 Ward Street to facilitate the development of long-term care facility on the property; and

    Whereas following the Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) and to initiate the construction of new facility, the owner has applied for second heritage alteration permit for demolition; and

    Whereas the property known as 65 Ward Street is designated under Part IV Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act and, therefore, requires a heritage permit application before demolition; and

    Whereas Council has reviewed the heritage alteration permit application including Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) and HIA addendum submitted by the owner and determined that the proposal is not an appropriate alteration for the property;

    Therefore be it resolved that Council deny the heritage permit application – File Number 2023-12 – for 65 Ward Street given that property has the significant historical, physical and associative value.          

    For (4)Councillor Mink, Deputy Mayor Todd Attridge, Councillor Holloway Wadhwani, and Councillor Pearson
    Against (3)Councillor Andrews, Mayor Hankivsky, and Councillor Collins
    Carried (4 to 3)

Special Council meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.