The Corporation of the Municipality of Port Hope

Council Agenda

Town Hall
Council Chambers, 56 Queen St
Port Hope ON

Council Chambers, Town Hall, 56 Queen Street, Port Hope, Ontario


The meeting will also be livestreamed via the Municipality's YouTube Channel. Please visit our website for more information or contact

Starting in 2024, the Council of the Municipality of Port Hope has implemented Procedural By-law 60-2023. As such, Council and Committee of the Whole Meetings will be held on separate evenings. You can view the 2024 Meeting Calendar for dates of all meetings.

Please note, Question Period is only available during Committee of the Whole meetings and will not be available at the Council Meeting. Members of the Public who wish to speak to a matter on the agenda of the Council Meeting may submit a deputation request form by noon (12:00 p.m.) on the day before the meeting. Please review the guidelines for providing a deputation request to Council prior to submitting your form. Should you not be able to access a computer, please contact 905.885.4544 and request to speak to a member of Clerks’ Staff for assistance.

If you wish to make a presentation to Council, please submit a presentation request form to the Office of the Clerk by the Wednesday preceding the Council Meeting date. Please review the guidelines for providing a presentation to Council prior to submitting your form.

Should you wish to connect with Council on any matters on the Council agenda or any other municipal business, please review the Connecting with Council page for ways to do so.

Mayor Hankivsky will read the Land Acknowledgement.

Deputations may only be made on a matter that is on the Council agenda. Please note that you can register for a deputation one day before the meeting. Please review the deputation process for more information. 

Items listed under the Consent Agenda are usually considered collectively as one motion. Council members may request that specific items be removed for separate discussion/deliberation and action.

  • Recommended Action:
    1. That Report FS-11-24 regarding 2023 Building Permit Fees Annual Report be received for information purposes and further,
    2. That a copy be made available to the public through the Municipal website.
  • Recommended Action:

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting of August 6, 2024 Council considered correspondence from AMO regarding AMO Advocacy on Homelessness Encampments;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the correspondence from AMO regarding AMO Advocacy on Homelessness Encampments be received for information.

  • Recommended Action:

    WHEREAS Eastern Ontario’s small rural municipalities face insurmountable challenges to fund both new growth related infrastructure and ongoing maintenance of their capital assets including local roads and bridges, clean water, wastewater, waste facilities, and municipally owned buildings including recreational facilities and libraries; and

    WHEREAS the Federation of Canadian Municipalities has calculated that Municipal Governments across Canada are responsible for approximately 60 percent of public infrastructure that supports our economy and quality of life, but only receive 10 cents of every tax dollar; and  

    WHEREAS the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC) region’s capital infrastructure deficit has increased by 58 percent since 2011 and is now at $6 billion, and growing; and  

    WHEREAS in 2018, the Ontario Government mandated all Ontario municipalities to develop and fully fund capital asset management plans by July 2025; and

    WHEREAS the EOWC has released a regional Municipal Infrastructure Policy Paper showing key infrastructure data, opportunities and challenges in small rural municipalities across Eastern Ontario; and  

    WHEREAS Eastern Ontario is a growing economy that can grow more with sustainable, innovative infrastructure partnership and investment from the Federal and Ontario Governments; and  

    WHEREAS the infrastructure deficit for small rural municipalities cannot be adequately addressed through property tax revenue, restricted municipal borrowing capacity, and municipalities limited ability to generate revenue; and

    WHEREAS small rural taxpayers cannot afford dramatic increases to pay for the current and future infrastructure; and   

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Port Hope joins the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in calling on the Federal and Ontario Governments to immediately and sustainably partner with Municipal Governments by investing in both the new and ongoing maintenance and repairs of municipal infrastructure in Eastern Ontario’s small rural municipalities; and 

    THAT the Federal and Ontario Governments immediately review data and work together to implement solutions based on the EOWC’s Municipal Infrastructure Policy Paper in partnership with small rural municipalities; and  

    FINALLY THAT this resolution be forwarded to The Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities of Canada; The Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario; The Honourable Kinga Surma, Ontario Minister of Infrastructure; The Honourable Paul Calandra, Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing; The Honourable Lisa Thompson, Ontario Minister of Rural Affairs; The Honourable Peter Bethlenfalvy, Ontario Minister of Finance; The Honourable Prabmeet Sakaria, Ontario Minister of Transportation; The Honourable Victor Fedeli, Ontario Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade; Philip Lawrence, MP, Northumberland-Peterborough South; David Piccini, MPP, Northumberland-Peterborough South; Federation of Canadian Municipalities; Association of Municipalities of Ontario; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation; Rural Ontario Municipal Association; Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus.

  • Recommended Action:

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting of August 6, 2024 Council considered Staff Report PD-17-24  regarding Digital Main Street Program 2022-2024;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Staff Report PD-17-24 That Report PD-17-24 regarding Digital Main Street Program 2022-2024 be received for information.

  • Recommended Action:

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting of August 6, 2024 Council considered Staff Report PD-18-24 regarding Reinstatement of Draft Plan Approval, Talbot Drive Phase 2 (SU03-2018);

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve the reinstatement of the Draft Approval for Plan of Subdivision (File No. SU03-2018) in Part of Lot 2, Concession 1, Part 1 of 39R10543 Except 39M815, for a three-year period ending September 3, 2027.

  • Recommended Action:

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting of August 6, 2024 Council considered Staff Report CAO-02-24 regarding 2025-2028 Strategic Plan Process;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council support the development a Strategic Plan Process for the period of 2025-2028;

    AND FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to prepare and present a Strategic Planning Roadmap for the period of 2025-2028 at the September 10, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting.

  • Recommended Action:

    WHEREAS Section 10 of By-law 05-2021 with regard to the composition of the Heritage Business Improvement Area (HBIA) Board states "a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of ten (10) members appointed by Municipality of Port Hope selected by a vote of the HBIA membership" and

    WHEREAS the HBIA Board currently has only the minimum number of members appointed; and

    WHEREAS in order to ensure the continuity of operations of the Board in accordance with By-law 05-2021 it is advisable to appoint an additional member to be confirmed at their Annual General Meeting; and 

    WHEREAS correspondence was received from the HBIA dated August 29, 2024 advising that the Board at their meeting held August 28, 2029 recommended the appointment of Teresa Brown; 

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council appoint Teresa Brown to the Heritage Business Improvement Area (HBIA) Board of Directors as requested by the HBIA Board of Directors at their August 28, 2024 meeting; and

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council confirm the following members on the Heritage Business Improvement Area (HBIA) Board of Directors:

    Bob Dodd
    Dean Howlett
    Teri-Jo Collina
    Robin Dines
    Carolyn Scatterty
    Teresa Brown

Council Members may bring forward a motion for Council consideration.  Please review the Notice of Motion process for more information.

No Item Selected