Town Hall
56 Queen St
Port Hope ON
  • Councillor Les Andrews, Chair
  • Mayor Bob Sanderson
  • Councillor John Bickle
  • Councillor Laurie Carr
  • Councillor Jeff Lees
  • Councillor Vicki Mink
Members Absent:
  • Councillor Wendy Meadows
  • David Smith, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Todd Davis, Director, Planning and Development
  • Brian Gilmer, Director, Corporate Services/Clerk
  • Shrishma Dave, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk
  • Theodhora Merepeza, Planning Manager

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Corporation of the Municipality of Port Hope were held via Web Conference, Port Hope, Ontario

Public Meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m.

Chair Deputy Mayor Andrews acknowledged that this meeting was being held on the traditional territory of the Mississauga Nations.

Chair Deputy Mayor Andrews advised that the purpose of the public meeting is to inform the public of the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision application (SU01-22) to facilitate the development of 43 single detached dwellings and one block for a 10-21 unit apartment building and Zoning By-law Amendment application (ZB02-2022) to rezone the subject lands municipally known as 3852 Ganaraska Road from Development "D" zone to site specific RESV1 and RESV2, Open Space and Environmental Protection Zone to permit the proposed land uses. 

Brian Gilmer, Clerk advised that the statutory notice procedure confirming that the plan to communicate the public meeting included advertisement in the newspaper and on the municipal website, updated social media content, and updated posters. Notification details are contained within Report PD-28-22 and within File No. SU01-2022 and ZB02-2022.

Brian Gilmer, Clerk advised that the Planning and Development Department is in receipt of a significant amount of correspondence from local residents and agencies concerning the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Application.

All written correspondence received up to July 28, 2022 at noon was included under item 6.1 on the August 3, 2022 public meeting agenda.

Of those comments received a number of local residents expressed concern regarding the apartment building not in character with the Hamlet, wetland relocation, loss of significant woodland, hydrology of the site and the impact on the existing wells, siting of Blanding Turtles on the site.

The Municipality is in receipt of 0 letters pertaining to this proposal received post printing of the agenda.

Brian Gilmer, Clerk advised that notification was given in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, as outlined in the circulation schedule of the Planner's Report.

On June 8, 2022, the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment applications, along with all applicable supporting studies, were circulated applicable internal department and external agencies.

A combined Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting for the Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision application was given to all assessed persons within 120 metres of the subject lands and was mailed on June 3, 2022.  Similarly, the notice was published in the local newspaper (Northumberland News) on June 9, 2022 and posted on the municipal website.  The proponent also posted two site signs on the property using the approved corporate branded signage for development projects.

However, the public meeting scheduled for July 6, 2022 was rescheduled for August 3, 2022. A revised Notice of Public Meeting for both the applications was given to all assessed persons within 120 metres of the subject lands and was mailed on June 29, 2022. Similarly, the notice was published in the local newspaper (Northumberland News) on July 7, 2022 and posted on the municipal website. A Notice sign was posted on the property on June 16, 2022.

The current planning applications page on Municipality’s website contains links to all the materials submitted by the Proponent, as well as allows for feedback to be submitted by the residents during the review process. The page is updated periodically.

One voluntary Open House was conducted by the proponent on June 22, 2022. The invitations for the Open House were sent by the proponent to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject lands. In total 85 people attended, of which 5 submitted comments. 

A question and answer period ensued between members of Committee, Staff and the applicant with respect to:

  • details of the ponds that would require being filled in as part of the application; 
  • clarification on the number of lots and the lot sizes; 
  • details of the hydrological servicing assessment;
  • removal and relocation of wetland and woodland; 
  • amount of parkland to be provided in the proposed subdivision, including inclusion of trees; and
  • location of the proposed site for relocation of wetland/woodland. 

The Chair provided information regarding the appeal process and invited oral submissions from the public.  There were approximately 95 members of the public in attendance.

Sandra Vervoort, 4025 Ganaraska Road, advised that she was concerned about the impact on water quality, wells and aquifer due to the size of the proposed subdivision, in particular the proposed apartment dwelling. She further raised concerns on the impact on wildlife as a result of the subdivision, and requested more information on the hydrological study that was conducted and the properties surveyed.  

Andrew Choate, 3944 LaRose Crescent, advised that he was concerned with respect to the impact of the proposed subdivision on the water levels in the area.

Greg Burns, 7976 Mill Street, objected to the amount of time provided to residents to voice their concerns. 

Glen Deeth, 3985 Frost Avenue, advised that he was speaking on behalf of several of the residents, and would be submitting written comments in the form of a report that had been drafted by some of the residents. He requested that the report be circulated to the proponent, staff and all members of Council. Mr. Deeth advised that he had several concerns with respect to the hydrological assessment, and advised that it required further detail as well as peer review. He questioned whether the minimum requirements of MECP D-5-5 had been met through this assessment, and why so many residents had reported that they were never surveyed as part of the neighbourhood survey on wells to determine water quantity/quality and the potential for well interference. He raised several concerns as well as questions with respect to the impact on water quality, quantity, wells, and impact on the aquifer as a result of the proposed subdivision. He raised further concerns with respect to Block 104 - Multiresidential, and the impact on sanitary sewer waste, emergency and fire access to the building and surrounding areas, traffic, parking, and the look of the building compared to the cultural heritage of the area. Mr. Deeth also raised environmental concerns, in particular with respect to the impact of the proposed subdivision on wildlife in the area, including blanding turtles, and requested information on how environmental concerns would be mitigated by the Municipality and the developer. He requested information with request to the lot sizing, road layout and stormwater management, and advised that Council should align with the zoning by-law and official plan when determining lot sizes, road layout, etc. He further requested information on what consultation had taken place with the indigenous population with respect to the archaeological assessment. Mr. Deeth submitted a report containing all of his questions and comments to the Office of the Clerk. 

Chris Sanderson, 3994 Frost Avenue, advised that he was against the development, and objected to the proposed density. He raised concerns on the environmental impact, as well as the impact on water levels. 

Richard Yoshida, 8133 Mill St, advised that he lived immediately adjacent to subject property, and raised concerns with respect to the hydrological assessment, and the data presented in that document. He raised questions about the neighbourhood survey that was conducted as part of the assessment, and the process that was carried out. He also requested information on whether the Municipality would be conducting tests to determine whether the existing aquifer could handle the increased density.

Bob Dimatteo, 8158 Gilmour Road, raised concerns on the impact of water quality as a result of the proposed development. 

Bill Moore, 3911 Larose Crescent, raised concerns on the impact of water quality as a result of the proposed development. 

Stuart Manser, 223 Wright Crescent, provided comments on appeal process and requested residents attending the public meeting to ensure that they add their names to the interested parties listing. 

Boris Khaimovich, 9241 County Road 10, provided comments with respect to the impact of the proposed subdivision on the hamlet, in particular the multi-residential building.  

Greg Burns, 7976 Mill St, provided comments with respect to the application and concerns with the hydrological assessment, as well as concerns about the integrity of the photo of the Blanding turtle.

Kevin Killin, 8109 Mill St. North requested information on why Morton Pond was not part of ANCI as it was an area of natural interest with a lot of wildlife. He raised environmental concerns with respect to the proposed subdivision, as well as impact on water quality. 

Anne Vanderstarre, 8063 Mill St, raised concerns about turtle habitat in the area, and requested information on how the developer proposed to remove ponds that were partially on her property. 

Christine Husemann, 8234 Mill Street North, advised that she was against this development as there were no benefits to the people who were living in the area. She provided an overview of her reasons for moving to her property, and requested council to consider the impact of the proposed subdivision on the neighbouring properties. 

  • Moved byMayor Sanderson
    Seconded byCouncillor Bickle

    That Committee receive this report for information and direct staff to prepare a follow up report once all outstanding matters, including any items brought forward at the Public Meeting held on August 3, 2022 regarding Draft Plan of Subdivision Application (SU01-2022) and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZB02-2022), 3852 Ganaraska Road are addressed.


Public Meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.