Town Hall
Council Chambers, 56 Queen St
Port Hope ON
  • Mayor Olena Hankivsky
  • Councillor Les Andrews (Arrived at 5:02 p.m.)
  • Councillor Todd Attridge
  • Deputy Mayor Claire Holloway Wadhwani
  • Councillor Vicki Mink
  • Councillor Adam Pearson
  • Councillor Darrell Toms
  • Candice White, CAO
  • David Baxter, Director, Finance
  • Jeanette Davidson, Director, Works and Engineering
  • Julia Snoek, Director, Parks and Recreation
  • Christine MacKinnon, Manager, Finance
  • Connor Holmes, Financial Analyst
  • Shrishma Davé, Manager, Legislative Services / Clerk

Minutes of the Statutory Public Meeting of the Corporation of the Municipality of Port Hope, held at 56 Queen Street, Port Hope, Ontario

The Public Meeting was called to order at 5.00 p.m.

Mayor Hankivsky read the Land Acknowledgement.

Mayor Hankivsky advised that the public meeting of Council is being held under section 12 of the Development Charges Act, 1997, as amended. 

The purpose of the meeting is to give the public an opportunity to ask questions, provide comments, and make representations on the May 10, 2024 Development Charges Background Study and proposed by-law, as amended.

Mayor Hankivsky further advised that Council would not be taking any action on the proposed by-law at this meeting.

 Peter Simcisko, Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. was in attendance and provided a powerpoint presentation on the findings of the study. A detailed question and answer period ensued with respect to: 

  • population trends and the affect on development charges; 
  • details of the various aspects of the development charges study; 
  • trajectory of municipal growth and the impact on development charges, including new assessments; 
  • competitiveness with comparator municipalities and maintaining a competitive edge.
  • Moved byCouncillor Pearson
    Seconded byCouncillor Toms

    That the powerpoint presentation by Peter Simcisko of Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. regarding Development Charges Background Study, May 10, 2024 be received for information.


J. Battersby, 7 Hodgeson St, requested clarification regarding the reasoning for decreases in wastewater charges. 

D. Colling, 1032 Elgin St East, Cobourg, requested clarification regarding definitions in the Development Charges study, in particular whether stormwater was being captured in definitions. 

M. Hillman, 100 Henderson St, requested information regarding where development would be taking place in the municipality. He further provided comments regarding the importance of focusing on providing service to foster development.

M. Bowman, 39 Pine St, requested information regarding how to incentivize those property owners that already own land that is appropriately serviced through the Municipality to build on that land. He also provided comments regarding the development charges process versus the grants process to incentivize growth and in-filling. 

The Public Meeting adjourned at 6:04 p.m.