Town Hall
Council Chambers, 56 Queen St
Port Hope ON
  • Mayor Olena Hankivsky
  • Deputy Mayor Todd Attridge, Chair
  • Councillor Chris Collins
  • Councillor Claire Holloway Wadhwani
  • Councillor Vicki Mink
  • Councillor Adam Pearson
Members Absent:
  • Councillor Les Andrews
  • David Smith, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Todd Davis, Director, Planning and Development
  • Brian Gilmer, Director, Corporate Services/Clerk
  • Theodhora Merepeza, Manager, Planning
  • Sagar Babbar, Planner
  • Shrishma Davé, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk

Minutes of the Statutory Public Meeting of the Corporation of the Municipality of Port Hope were held at Council Chambers, 56 Queen Street, Port Hope, Ontario

Public Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Chair Deputy Mayor Attridge acknowledged that this meeting was being held on the traditional territory of the Mississauga Nations

Chair Deputy Mayor Attridge advised that the purpose of the public meeting is for the Planning and Development Committee to inform the public of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application to rezone the subject lands being 5868 County Road 65 from Development "D" zone to Hamlet Residential "RESV1 (142) and RESV1 (143) and Environmental Protection "EP" Zone to facilitate the development of 58 single detached dwellings on the subject lands. He further advised that no decisions would be made at the meeting. 

Brian Gilmer, Clerk advised that the statutory public procedure had been followed and confirmed that the plan to communicate the public meeting included advertisement on the municipal website; updated social media content as well as the proponent also posted a sign on the property.  Notification details are contained within Report PD-23-23 and within File No. ZB02-2022.  One voluntary Open House was conducted by the proponent on May 30, 2023.

Michael Fry of D.G. Biddle and Associates Limited was in attendance on behalf of Hillstreet Development Ltd. and provided a presentation and outlined the proposed land use.

The Clerk advised that the Planning Department received two (2) comments from the public prior to printing of the agenda and these were included in the Staff Report.

The Clerk advised that the Municipality is in receipt of one (1) letter pertaining to the proposal received post printing of the agenda from an interested party expressing concerns with contamination of drinking water wells. 

The Clerk advised that notification was given in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, as outlined in the circulation schedule of the Planner's Report.

The Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment applications was circulated to applicable internal and external agencies with comments received from Works and Engineering; Parks, Recreation and Culture; County of Northumberland - Planning; County of Northumberland - Public Works; County of Northumberland - Septic; Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority; Bell Canada; Canada Post; KPRD School Board; Hydro One.

The separate Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting for the Zoning By-law Amendment application was given to all assessed persons within 120 metres of the subject lands.  The Notice of Complete Application was mailed on May 17, 2023 and was published in the local newspaper (Northumberland News) on May 18, 2023.  The Notice of Public Meeting was mailed to the residents and published in the local newspaper (Northumberland News) on June 8, 2023 and posted on the Municipal website.   

Mayor Hankivsky requested information about cost implications of replenishing the water levels in the fire-fighting reservoir. Chair Deputy Mayor Attridge requested further information on the ongoing maintenance cost to the municipality to maintain the reservoir. 

Councillor Holloway Wadhwani requested information regarding neighbourhood connectivity between the proposed subdivisions and the surrounding areas, including whether they aligned with the official plan, and if there were any considerations for walkability. She further inquired about water absorption on paved areas, and how that featured in the plan. She asked about general standards for stormwater management and how that would be addressed.

The Chair provided information regarding the appeal process and invited oral submissions from the public. 

There were approximately 8 members of the public in attendance.

L. Morrow, 5417 County Road 65, expressed concerns regarding water levels, contamination of the reservoir, and the level of paving and density proposed. She provided information on flooding concerns in the area, and invited Council to come view the site. 

W. Millson, 4987 County Road 65, advised that he had an airstrip near the proposed subdivision, which was at the end of his runway. He advised that he wanted to see that issue addressed as part of the recommendation report. He expressed further concerns about the water levels and water contamination through the building of multiple homes.  

K. Toms, 5992 County Road 65, expressed concerns regarding wells and water levels, as well as the impact that multiple septic systems would have on the area. He inquired about whether the Municipality had considered installing a water treatment facility in the area. He further requested a Heritage Impact Study and inquired about environmental impacts of the proposed development. He advised that the number of homes suggested was too high, and the developer could reduce it to 15-20 homes in order to reduce impact on water levels and environment.  

T. Hunter, 5647 Mastwoods Road, advised that his property had issues with their well, and there wasn't much water in the area. 

Public Meeting adjourned at 6:33 p.m.